Optimax - Integratore per il benessere di pelle, unghie e capelli

Optimax Night Slim

Promotes relaxation and helps control weight during sleep

Body weight balance consists of maintaining a weight that is appropriate for one's height and physical conformation. This balance between weight and height is achieved with an adequate energy balance, i.e. the ratio of energy introduced with food to energy consumed through physical activity and metabolism. In addition, it is possible to combine food supplements based on plant extracts that help activate the metabolism and aid weight control.

Numerous studies have investigated the link between sleep and metabolism, showing how the quality and duration of sleep influence eating habits: it has been found, for example, that people who sleep little are more likely to have hunger pangs and to replace main meals with snacks rich in fat and carbohydrates, compared to people who manage to get a qualitatively and quantitatively satisfactory night's sleep.

In addition to metabolism, sleep strongly influences mood and mental state: poor and unsatisfactory sleep, if prolonged for a long time, can have potentially very negative effects on mood, even leading to states of depression, more or less severe. In these cases, a series of compensatory mechanisms can also be triggered that often spill over into food, leading to attacks of nervous hunger, in which people tend to prefer eating food that is not particularly healthy from a nutritional point of view.

The active ingredients
of the formula


an amino acid derivative naturally present in muscles and animal tissue, it performs a specific action as a ‘carrier’ of fatty acids: it transports fatty acids into the mitochondria, which use them to produce energy. Hence its more simply called ‘fat-burning’ action.

It is in fact often used in products dedicated to slimming, or even in products dedicated to sportsmen and women, to burn fat and maintain lean mass.

Acido ialuronico
Cassia Nomame (Chamaecrista nomame (Sieber) H.Ohashi))
Dry extract titrated at 8% catechins

Plant widespread mainly in Asia and Africa, belonging to the Leguminosae family.

Parts used and properties: the aerial part of the plant contains polyphenols capable of inhibiting pancreatic lipase, preventing the metabolisation and subsequent assimilation of fats introduced with the diet. It therefore helps normalise triglyceride and cholesterol metabolism.

Moringa (Moringa oleifera Lam.)
Dried extract titrated at 10% glycoside and 40% polysaccharides

Native to India and widespread in tropical areas - Africa and Asia - it is an edible tree plant, all parts of which are used.

Parts used and properties: Moringa seeds are used both as water ‘purifiers’ and in food, as they contain vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and polysaccharides, which help in lipid metabolism and weight control.

Passiflora (Passiflora incarnata L.)
Dry extract titrated at 2.5% flavonoids expressed as vitexin

Popular almost everywhere as a decorative plant, Passiflora is now also cultivated for medicinal purposes and for its edible fruits.

Parts used and properties: The aerial parts are used in phytotherapy as they contain flavonoids that have a relaxing and sedative effect, promoting sleep.

Escolzia (Griffonia simplicifolia (DC.) Baill.))
Dry extract titrated at 0.35% total alkaloids expressed as protopin

Known as the ‘California Poppy’, it grows wild in the arid soils of California and also in some South American states.

Parts used and properties: The aerial parts of Eschscholzia contain alkaloids, which even in very low quantities have a sedative effect on the central nervous system. Used alone or together with other relaxing actives, it is useful for treating insomnia or states of anxiety.

Dry extract titrated at 20% 5-HTP

A plant native to west-central Africa belonging to the Fabaceae family, it is well known in phytotherapy for treating mild states of depression.

Parts used and properties: The seeds in particular are rich in 5-hydroxytryptophan, a precursor of serotonin, commonly known as the ‘happy hormone’. Extracts of the seeds are used to regulate mood and aid in appetite control.

Gluten free

Alcohol free

Ready to drink

Carnitina-L-tartrato 200 mg  
Griffonia d.e.*
Of which 5-HTP
33,33 mg
6,67 mg
Passiflora d.e.*
Of which vitexina
33,33 mg
6,67 mg
Cassia nomame d.e.*
Of which catechine
33,33 mg
6,67 mg
Moringa d.e.*
Of which glicosidi
Of which polisaccaridi
16,67 mg
1,67 mg
6,67 mg
Escolzia d.e.*
Of which protopina
16,67 mg
0,058 mg
*dry extract

The Triple Action of OptiMax® Night Slim is favored by 6 phytocomplexes

Weight balance
Cassia nomame and Moringa, together with Carnitine, have a "fat burning" action

Relaxation and Night rest
Escolzia and Passiflora promote relaxation and night rest, avoiding awakenings

Feeling of hunger
Griffonia acts both on mental serenity and on the control of appetite and hunger attacks